Leader for

Automatic Temperature Monitoring

Temperature monitoring and quality assurance systems for laboratories, cold storage facilities and food safety.

ICU Scandinavia automatic quality assurance

ICU Scandinavia AB is a privately-owned company that works in fields such as logging, monitoring and quality assurance. We sell automatic quality assurance systems for laboratories, cold storage facilities and food safety that meet the regulatory requirements for logging and documentation.

Analyze your needs

When you are interested in monitoring and logging for your lab we need to analyze your specific needs. What kind of equipment do you have and what do you want to monitor? And are your equipment clustered together or are they spread out in many different locations?


After the analysis - we will together with you - set up an offer. We will suggest the most sufficient log equipment, a cost optimized implementation and the most efficient installation.

Project start

Once we have agreed on the offer and made sure all prerequisites are in place - we start planning the installaton. In preparation for the installation, you will together with us define your system’s organization, measuring points , users and alarm configuration.


The physical installation, fitting of sensors inside your equipment, is usually smooth when all prerequisites and preparations have been made. Testing and verification of functionality. Once everything is in place it is time for your staff to have their system training.

Long-term partnership

Since you have invested in an automatic system for continuous logging and quality assurance it is important for us to make sure that your system is accessible, reliable and fully working, at all times. That is why we engage into long-term partnership.

Varför kontinuerlig parameterloggning?

Kontinuerlig parameterövervakning är som en pålitlig väktare för känsliga processer och produkter. Genom att ha en konstant övervakning av dina parametrar kan man säkerställa optimala

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ICU is an IT company with about 20 employees, in Sweden,, Poland and India. ICU's customers is located in about 20 countries around the world. ICU as a relatively small company also has a relatively small climate footprint.

Anna DalmoKostekonom, Landstinget Västmanland
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"Genom att använda CoolGuard så har arbetet med HACCP och temperaturloggning underlättats avsevärt."
Hans Christian AlstadIKT-sjef, Sykehusapotekene i Midt- Norge HF
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“Thanks to continuous log with Boomerang and alarms via text message/SMS, one of our pharmacies were able to save the whole inventory when a refrigerated storage room broke down last week. Great! “.
Mette Haug StensenLaboratoriesjef og Senior klinisk embryolog på Fertilitetssenteret i Oslo
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After installing the Boomerang system, we have a good overview of our culture conditions in the IVF laboratory.
Boomerang Quality Assurance Lab

The quality assurance of laboratory work is becoming more important nowadays. The authorities also require temperatures to be measured and for measurement data to be traceable in accordance with good laboratory practice (GLP) and good manufacturing practice (GMP).